Welcome parents and caregivers!
Support your child by helping them develop the skills that will guide their success through their K-12 education and beyond.
This year, a child in your care will be assessed by their teacher using the DESSA, a suite of research-based screening tools and assessments used for students in grades K-12.
The DESSA will measure your child’s grasp of important skills that will help them succeed during their school years and even after they graduate from high school. These skills are known as social, emotional, and behavioral skills and include taking responsibility for their actions, and working well with others.
The skills measured by the DESSA can easily be taught and learned by students of all ages. Keep reading to learn more about the skills measured by the DESSA and how you can work with your child on each one.
The dessa measures these skills:

A student’s understanding of their emotions and values and how they affect behavior. It includes knowing who they are and what they are good at doing.

A student’s ability to manage how they act and feel in different situations. It includes setting goals and working hard to achieve them.

decision making
A student’s ability to make thoughtful and reliable choices. It includes being open to new ideas and being curious.

A student’s understanding of what is expected of them in different situations. It includes showing empathy and respect for others.

A student’s ability to create and keep positive, healthy relationships. It includes good listening, solving problems together, and supporting others.

A student’s tendency to be confident, hopeful, and to focus on the positive. It includes believing that hard work pays off and that they can overcome setbacks.
sample questions from the dessa:
why these skills?
These skills are important because they have been found to have a strong relationship with success in academics and positive engagement in school activities. They are also some of the top skills that colleges and employers are looking for as they recruit.
The DESSA gives teachers and counselors an understanding of which of these skills are strengths for your child, and which ones they need further instruction in. They can then tailor their instruction to your child to help them build the skills they need support in.
We Start with strengths
One unique feature of the DESSA is that it is one of the only strength-based assessments. It is meant to highlight positive social and emotional behaviors, help students identify things they are already good at, and help them leverage their strengths to grow in other areas. For example, if a student rates high in Responsible Decision Making but low in Relationship Skills, teachers can help students use their decision making skills to improve their relationship skills.
Hear from a parent like you:
Why a strength-based approach matters
resources for students and families
Learn more about each skill measured by the DESSA and activities families or educators can use with students K-12 to build their skills.